Stop Wishing For A Better Life And Embrace The One You’re Living Now

The Grass Is Rarely Greener On The Other Side

“We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” — Joseph Campbell

Let’s be truthfully honest: are you happy with your life or do you wish things were different? For example, how would a life coach evaluate your life? Would they make adjustments here and there or give you a sign of approval? Sometimes, we allow our negative emotions to impede what life is trying to tell us. We see our friends or those on Instagram living wonderful lives and wish ours was similar. However, we are not looking at things objectively but judging it on appearances alone. No matter how successful, rich or happy you are, there will always be challenges and no one is immune from them. Does it make sense that wishing for a better life doesn’t bring it into existence? It requires picking apart what is not working and attending to those details consistently.

It’s no secret, everyone wants a better life. But as you know, the grass is rarely greener on the other side. It may appear that way, but as soon as you attract better circumstances, there will be additional problems and challenges to overcome. For example, those who are single might lament their loneliness and want to be in an intimate relationship. However, some become disheartened when the relationship doesn’t meet their expectations and they wish they were single once more. The same is true with money. When we’re struggling financially, we wish for an endless supply of money, however if we become financially successful, there are other challenges that arise. I’m not suggesting we shouldn’t become financially free. Though, we ought to develop the right mindset, so irrespective of whether we are rich or poor, single or in a relationship, we will be happy. How do you feel about this? Can you learn to be happy with your current circumstances, knowing life is a work in progress?

Work Through Your Problems

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.” — Lao Tzu

The key is understanding that life is constantly developing. Sometimes we will experience difficulties, pain and struggles, while other times we will experience joy, elation and success. Winston Churchill said it perfectly: “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” He knew that to succeed, we mustn’t lose enthusiasm despite our difficulties. Challenges help us sharpen the saw of our character. Whilst it may not be clear to us, our pain and troubles can help us get clear on living the life we dreamed of. I have encountered many challenges throughout my life. There were times I was doomed for failure. Not that I didn’t want to succeed, though every time I tried, I failed miserably. I thought life was against me and compared myself to others who were succeeding. But those lessons contributed to my personal development. What you believe to be deleterious may be the greatest thing for your personal growth. It is said: The obstacle is the way.

Is this making sense? Can you appreciate what happens outside of you reflects what is taking place within you? I’m certain you have many questions brewing inside your mind. I invite you to write them down in a journal. If you don’t use a journal, it would be a good time to start because journaling is an effective way to observe the theme of your life. This is the first thing I recommend to new coaching clients when we work together. Journaling is a powerful tool to notice our thoughts and work through our difficulties. It requires observing what is not working and coming up with ways to overcome those challenges. You literally become better at working through solutions instead of falling into despair. Even if we like to compare ourselves to others, we realise it is futile because the assessment is unproductive. We ought to become our own motivator and counsellor if we wish to conquer our challenges.

As we work through our problems, life will not seem as bleak as we think. It only looks that way because we get stuck in a certain way of living and can’t find our way out. We are like mice in a lab experiment, spinning on a never-ending wheel with no exit. The keys are in your hand and they lie in your ability to find solutions to your problems. With this in mind, I’d like you to take one pressing issue in your life and journal five to eight solutions. They might not look impressive upon first glance; however, I encourage you to revisit them over the coming days and narrow them down to three. When you are satisfied, pick one and act on it. Note in your journal whether your situation improves or if it requires additional steps to fix. It is when we stop wishing for a better life and embrace the one we are given, that we appreciate a better life has been staring us in the face all along.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Life with Confidence?

Are you ready to transform your life and unlock your potential? Start your journey with me today! My Life Coaching Program has empowered many to achieve lasting change. Schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation now and take the first step towards a brighter, more confident you.

Tony Fahkry

Expert Life Coach

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