How To Build Powerful Relationships In All Areas Of Your Life

Other People Are Reflections of Ourselves

“Never idealise others. They will never live up to your expectations. Don’t over-analyse your relationships. Stop playing games. A growing relationship can only be nurtured by genuineness.” — Leo F. Buscaglia

Relationships are the most significant experiences if we consider them with an open mind and a compassionate heart. Take a moment to reflect on an existing relationship which is causing you distress. Although you share a bond, there may be a differing of opinions which warrants disagreement. What particular aspect of that person gives rise to the conflict? Is it a behaviour, a certain quality or a general character flaw you find difficult to balance out? Don’t over-analyse it, but notice how you feel about it. Merely perceiving the other person’s indifference is enough to enhance your awareness of the issue. Why do you have an aversion to that quality about them?

Let’s take the example of arrogance to work through. From your perspective, the other person may convey an arrogance which you find less appealing. You feel the relationship would be more grounded if it weren’t for their conceited ways. I’ve mentioned in earlier articles how the universe maintains an intricate order. There are no accidents, nothing happens by chance; even a blade of grass is accounted for within the cosmos. If we consider this idea, could it be conceivable that you co-created the experience of this person in your life to learn something about yourself? They may be reflecting an aspect of yourself that requires your acceptance and healing. For example, it takes two people to maintain a relationship, so problems are observed at the level of the perceiver. This person may be disguised as a valuable experience directing your personal development. However, we may not be ready for the lesson and so the troublesome experience will continue to persist.

Stated differently, we cannot maintain a relationship that is one-sided. There cannot be an over-supply of enriching moments within a relationship, since there would be little or no inner growth. Relationship challenges expose the cracks in our character, to integrate them into the wholeness of our being. As you know, those you are connected to bring out the best and worst in you. They uncover your flaws by reflecting a mirror on them. In doing so, you are called to examine and heal that aspect of yourself. Therefore, we mustn’t bemoan when a relationship has run its course because there is an energetic current which takes place in all living things. Often people come into our life for a brief duration and leave when we have learned important lessons. We may wonder whether our actions contributed to their departure. Rest assured, the experience has served its purpose, and it is time to move on.

Tune In To Love

“Each relationship nurtures a strength or weakness within you.” — Mike Murdock

When a relationship ends unexpectedly, we can take refuge by contemplating a simple mantra: “How would LOVE respond in this situation?” If we want to attract harmonious relationships, we must raise our consciousness to the level of LOVE. When I talk about love, I am not referring to the romantic connection which exists between two people. I am describing the energetic frequency that is our authentic state of being. Were it not for love, how would we express our appreciation toward a loved one? In other words, as we align with the frequency of love, we invoke deeper and richer relationships of a higher energetic force. Everything within the universe is energy pulsating at a low or high vibrational rate.

To gain clarity on an existing relationship that may be challenging you, contemplate the following points:

1. Invite the power of LOVE with its higher frequency into your life regularly. Albert Einstein said: “You cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it.” In a similar tone, Deepak Chopra asserts that love is stronger than gravity. Therefore, expand your consciousness beyond your perceived awareness to support this powerful state of being.

2. Consider what lesson you are invited to learn in your current relationship. Ask yourself: “What lesson does the greater intelligence within me seek from this experience?” Every lesson will be vested in LOVE. Your conflicts are signposts directing you toward love.

3. “What aspect of myself, whether favourable or undesirable, is the other person highlighting?” This reaffirms the importance of self-enquiry. If the other person is an emotional blanket, devoid of their feelings, consider how you might mirror their behaviour?

When others highlight a negative quality within us, we disown that aspect of ourselves if we resist it. This becomes the root of our suffering if the pain is left unexamined. Furthermore, it underscores the need to heal the separation within to build a stronger foundation for the connection to thrive. Relationship problems are not intended to defeat us, rather, they are a call to heal a disowned aspect of ourselves by bringing the wound to the surface. Consider it akin to a splinter of wood lodged in our finger. By removing the splinter, not only do we heal the physical wound, we reveal a layer of oneself previously concealed by our emotional pain.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Life with Confidence?

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Tony Fahkry

Expert Life Coach

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