Give Out What You Most Want to Get Back

“Our subconscious minds have no sense of humour, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives.” – Robert Collier

Most of you have probably heard of Karma, which basically means that what you give out, at some point you will get the same back. This being said, you need to give some attention to what you are giving out in terms of thoughts, words, feelings, and actions. It is a universal law that you reap what you sow and for this reason you are a reflection of your predominant thoughts, beliefs, words, and actions.

You are what you think and you get what you think about. How about giving out what you most want to get back? Do you want more love? Give out an abundance of love. Do you want more people to care about you? Spend more time showing people that you care. Like attracts like. Whatever you want in your life put your focus on that and you will get more of the same.

You Can Have What You Want

I want you to know without a shadow of a doubt that you really can have what you want in life. Your desires can come true if they are realistic and you understand the principals involved in getting the things you want. The manifestation of your desires is not magic; it is based upon a number of principles.


First, instead of focusing on what you DON’T have or how terrible your life is now, I want you to focus all of your attention on what you DO want. Want more success? Love? Money? Health? Friends? Toys?  Write it all down and spend time thinking about these things. Then I want you to think about how you can send out positive vibes concerning the things on your list. Do you want more money flowing into your life? Maintain a prosperity consciousness and at the same time, be sure that you sow into other people’s lives that are in need.

Do you want more success in your career? Take some time to mentor someone else looking to climb the ladder to success. Trying to meet a loving partner? Be loving toward everyone you meet. Entertain thoughts of love and compassion. Focus and put your attention on your desires.

Believe + Receive

Once you are focusing your attention on the things that you want and have made it clear to the universe, believe that you will certainly receive your desires. Maintain a state of gratitude and expectancy. Be on the lookout for the manifestation of your desires. Maybe you will get that promotion today or your loving partner will bump into you at the gym. It is important to first believe and then you will receive.

It Is Not All About You

It is wonderful to have desires and I resonate with joy when people receive them, but it is not all about you. Understand that as you give out and sow into others, they are receiving some sort of value as well.  When you give $50 to the youth group mission team, you are adding value to other people’s lives and you will certainly receive good back because of this. It really is a win-win situation.

Mother Teresa was probably one of the most self-less women in history and her love and compassion served in two ways. One, those that she cared for and loved unconditionally received an incredible blessing and two, the love and gratitude she received from those she served blessed her socks off. She gave out what she most wanted to get: unconditional love. She understood spiritual principles and lived a beautiful life of service.

What is it that you most want to get back in life?  I want you to think about this for a few minutes and jot down what comes to mind. Then I want you to think about how you can give out those exact things you want and DO IT. I want you to change the way you think about your desires and believe that you can have what you want. Send out positive thoughts like a boomerang into the universe and watch the positive things that boomerang attracts before it comes back to you. Shoot for the stars!

Are You Ready to Transform Your Life with Confidence?

Are you ready to transform your life and unlock your potential? Start your journey with me today! My Life Coaching Program has empowered many to achieve lasting change. Schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation now and take the first step towards a brighter, more confident you.

Tony Fahkry

Expert Life Coach

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